Privacy Policy


The content of this website is the copyright of South Lanarkshire Council Psychological Service. You may make copies for personal use only. The logos and artwork on the website are the copyright of the information providers and use of them is strictly prohibited without prior authorisation. You much acknowledge the copyright owner if any material from our website is re-published in any format.


Whilst Psychological Services has taken all reasonable care in compiling this website and every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content, given the range of sources from which Psychological Services gathers information, Psychological Services can take no responsibility for any inaccuraces which may occur. Furthermore Psychological Services will take no responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever caused as a result in any inaccuracy within the website.

Within the website there are provided links to other websites as assistance to the user. Psychological Services has no responsibility for these linked websites and has no control over their content. Psychological Service cannot accept any responsibility for the content should this cause any offence to the user or be deemed to be inappropriate by the user.

Privacy and data protection

This website is managed by South Lanarkshire Council Psychological Services. South Lanarkshire Council is registered as the data Controller and complies with the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. The council will only use the personal information provided by you for the purpose for which you provide it. The council will only keep the information provided for no longer than is necessary for those purposes. The council will not share the information with third parties without your explicit consent. There may be occasions when we do share information without consent. For instance when that information may be used to prevent or detect crime – we may be legally obliged to tell other public authorities.

Virus protection

South Lanarkshire Council will make every effort when compiling and maintaining this website to ensure the content is virus free. By your use of this website you accept use of the website without any warranty, either express or implied, from the council. The council will not accept any responsibility for any loss, damage, defects or failure through your use of this website. The council recommends the user makes use of anti-virus software on their system when accessing any material from this or linked websites.